Mas de 100 edificios extras para disfrutar en Londres del 19 al 20 de Septiembre

BDP’s Bridge Academy

Esta interesante iniciativa se celebra todos los años en Londres y el fin de la misma es acercar los buenos usos en el diseño arquitectonico a los usuarios finales. La organizacion incluye formacion y workshops en buenas practicas.
El recorrido por las 100 casas abiertas al publico el fin de semana del 19 y 20 de Septiembre 2009 es una aportunidad unica de ver la mejor y mas actual arquitectura de Londres.

A record number of buildings will be on show at this year’s Open House event in September, designed to showcase the best of London’s architecture

House overlooking Highgate Cemetery by Eldridge Smerin

House overlooking Highgate Cemetery by Eldridge Smerin

More than 100 buildings have been added to the programme, including (clockwise from top left) a house overlooking Highgate Cemetery by Eldridge Smerin, AHMM’s Kentish Town Health Centre, a “sunken” house in Hackney by Adjaye Associates, and BDP’s Bridge Academy also in Hackney.

AHMM’s Kentish Town Health Centre

AHMM’s Kentish Town Health Centre

Tours of the emerging Olympic park and behind-the-scenes looks at the Dorchester and Grosvenor House hotels on Park Lane are on the programme. The Royal Society in Westminster is also being opened, and visitors will be able to see the Albert Speer-designed interiors added when the building on Carlton House Terrace was the German embassy.

“sunken” house in Hackney by Adjaye Associates

“Sunken” house in Hackney by Adjaye Associates

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