‘Rotterdam icon becomes 24-hour city’


Architecture Day Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June 2013

One of the most iconic buildings in Rotterdam, the Hofpoort on the Hofplein, will be transformed into a 24-hour city on Friday 21 June and Saturday 22 June. All are welcome to come and eat, drink, dance, relax, breakfast, discover, meet, skate, create, shop and much more. For a full 24 hours the Hofpoort will be the epicentre of Architecture Day
in Rotterdam.

The Hofplein area used to be regarded as the pulsing heart of Rotterdam. AIR, the Rotterdam architecture centre, ZUS – De Dépendance centre for urban culture and Rotterdam ArchiGuides are joining forces to bring it back to life again on Architecture Day. For 24 hours they will combine to transform the Hofpoort into a vertical city where there is something new to experience every hour.

The Hofpoort, better known as the Shell building, was built in 1976 and has 24 floors. Most of these floors have been vacant for some years. The abandoned office floors will be filled with activities and public again during



During 24Hofpoort the whole building will be used for a programme based on the theme of 24-hour architecture.

Time as a new space. Experiment, cooperation and imagination will join in creating a vertical 24-hour city. Some of the floors of the building will be turned into a cinema, theatre or disco, others into a shopping street, museum or camp site. Right at the top is the restaurant with a spectacular panoramic view of the city of Rotterdam. Breakfast will be served at daybreak on Saturday morning. There will be tours of the building itself and of its surroundings: Rotterdam Central District.

The construction of the Luchtsingel was ZUS’ first step in making the area more accessible and hospitable.

AIR, ZUS – De Dépendance and Rotterdam ArchiGuides will now use 24Hofpoort to explore the potential of a predominantly vacant office block in the inner city of Rotterdam.


More Architecture Day in Rotterdam
More Rotterdam buildings will be opened to the public on Architecture Day. You can find the entire programme on
the website or drop in at the Hofpoort lobby staffed by volunteers who know everything about the festival.


More information
twitter: #24hofpoort


Press Officer: Elsbeth Grievink
T: 06 48266077
E: mail@elsbethgrievink.nl

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