
E-brary concepto para el diseño de la futura Biblioteca | E-BRARY concept for future library design

E-brary es la abreviatura de Emotional Biblioteca. La idea detrás de este concepto era que si la 1 ª y 2 ª generación de bibliotecas estaban en formato analógico y digital, las bibliotecas del futuro será en formato digital, pero con características análogas, convirtiéndose así en una biblioteca emocional. E-BRARY is short for Emotional Library. […]

E-brary concepto para el diseño de la futura Biblioteca | E-BRARY concept for future library design Leer más »

Kazakhstan’s new National Library in Astana by BI

Invited as one of five pre-selected architect led teams, BIG was awarded first prize in an open international design competition which included 19 entrants among others Lord Norman Foster and Zaha Hadid. The new National Library, named after the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, encompasses an estimated 33.000m2. The winning proposal

Kazakhstan’s new National Library in Astana by BI Leer más »

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